Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

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Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

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Summer 2015 – Keith Johnstone Skype! 15-08-2135

Impro Intensive with Keith Johnstone

Bayfront Theater, San Francisco

Schedule: 9am-3pm, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday August 6, 7, and 8

  • 9am-10am with Zoe Galvez
  • 10:15am-12:15pm with Keith Johnstone via Skype
  • 12:15-1pm, Lunch
  • 1-3pm with Kasey Klemm 
Class size: 12 students maximum for the full program, and unlimited audience-only attendees for the 10:15am-12:15pm sessions with Keith Johnstone on all three days. 
Class hours: 15 hours of instruction total for participants. 6 hours total for audience.
Prerequisite:  None

Join legendary improv innovator Keith Johnstone, author of Impro and Improv for Storytellers and creator of Theatresports, Micetro, Gorilla Theatre, Life Game, and other performance formats, in this three-day improv exploration via Skype. 

Each day starts off with an hour of bonding and risk-taking, led by Zoe Galvez, preparing students for the next two hours improvising scenes on the BATS stage directed by Keith in Calgary, Canada via Skype. The day finishes off with a two-hour on-your-feet play session with Kasey Klemm. Kasey and Zoe, BATS coaches, are longtime students, colleagues and friends of Johnstone’s.  

Topics include story, status, spontaneity, acting, and comedy (but each day is influenced by student interests, so bring your questions!) This intensive is open to improvisers of all experience levels. 

Participants are limited to 12 students, but we are also offering unlimited spots for attendees to participate as audience members only during the Keith Johnstone portion of this class (2 hours each day, 10:15am-12:15pm for three days.) This is a unique opportunity to watch a master at work: directing and guiding scenes and speaking about both the philosophy and practice of improvisation. You’re sure to find it educational and inspirational, whatever level of improviser you are and wherever you are in your training! Audience spots are available for $60 for all three days. 


**Register before June 1st to take advantage of our early registration rate of $319. After June 1st class price increases to $349.**

 Audience spots are available for $60 for all three days.





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