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Theatre. Improvised.

We create stories together.

Imagine being on stage, creating a story in front of a bunch of people with no script. Sounds terrifying, doesn’t it? You may think improv requires being either very intelligent, quick-witted, funny or creative (or foolhardy), and you’re not that person.  It’s okay, we’re not that person either. At BATS Improv, we create stories in the moment, by just being our ordinary selves and connecting with our fellow players.   We listen, we say “yes”, we’re present, and we support each other.  And when we make a mistake, we celebrate it.

And what we’ve learned is that the connection skills our improv relies on are also great skills for work and life.  Performing and learning improv has brought us together as a community and transformed our lives for the better.  Come connect with us!

Fall Season Shows

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