Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

Read more about Improv »
Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

Read more about Improv »

Join BATS School of Improv through our specialized training that covers the ingredients of a strong improvisor – basics, character, relationship, environment, acting, storytelling and performance – and then takes you through sustained scene study or performance lab to hone ongoing performance skills with an ensemble. The trajectory is personalized with strong coach feedback along the way so you know just what your strengths and areas for improvement are.


At the BATS School of Improv, San Francisco’s largest and most respected improv training center, you’ll learn the craft of improvisation, BATS-style — listening, paying attention, storytelling, status, spontaneity, and making your partner look good.

Improv skills are life skills. Whatever your experience, background, or training, everyone can benefit from studying improv. Still not convinced? Here’s why you should study improv at BATS.

Below are a list of all our current classes on offer. To learn more about our curriculum and which class is right for you, click here. To learn more about any level or class, click on the heading below.

Have more questions? Have a virtual meeting with our Head of School, Stephanie Dennison.

~Note: No Office Hours on September 5th!~

Office hours online Thursdays 2pm – 4pm. Click the links to meet Stephanie on Thursdays!

~Note: No Office Hours on September 5th!~



Office Hours are a great time to:
-Chat about classes
-Give feedback and ideas
-Ask questions
-Or just talk about improv in general


Private Group Classes

We also offer private group classes. If you don’t see a class at a convenient time, or if you want to work with a group you are already improvising with ….  The private group classes give advanced improvisers more autonomy in their experience. For the private groups, improvisers will start by gathering their own group of players and choosing one of BATS’ fantastic coaches. The group will work with the coach to determine what sort of instruction they want— a specific genre or skill, ongoing workshop or weekend intensive. It’s up to you! You work with BATS to decide the times and dates. Your group may even decide to perform and will work with the coach to plan and rehearse for your show(s).


Introductory Workshops

For people with limited time/resources or who aren’t sure improv is for them, we have developed two dip-your-toe-in-the-water introductory workshops. In our 2-hour online, or 3-hour classes, students use games and exercises to explore the basic concepts and skills of improvised theatre. And after you’ve had a taste, you may very well want the complete improv experience in Foundation 1, our 8-week beginner class, which more fully covers the material.

Upcoming Classes:

Foundational Series Classes

Foundation 1 – Mindset & Skillset

Upcoming Classes:

Foundation 2 – Movement & Story

Upcoming Classes:

Foundation 3 – Character & Relationship

Upcoming Classes:

Foundation 4 – Scenework & Acting Skills

Upcoming Classes:

Foundation 5 – Narrative

Upcoming Classes:

Foundation 6 – Performance Showcase

Upcoming Classes:

We don't have any Foundation 6 – Performance Showcase classes currently scheduled, check back soon or email the Head of School if you are interested in taking this class.

The Improv Gym

Come build up your improv muscles at BATS’ Improv Gym! The Improv Gym is more like a traditional gym than like a typical improv class.  Rather than committing to 6 or 8 weeks, you can subscribe to the gym one month at a time and then drop in to play with a variety of coaches during that month.  You’ll get to play with several coaches and other students while learning new skills and practicing old ones.

Upcoming Classes:

We don't have any The Improv Gym classes currently scheduled, check back soon or email the Head of School if you are interested in taking this class.

BATS Improv Jams!

Are you looking for more chances to play and practice improv? Improv Jams are for you! The Improv Jams are drop-in times on Sunday afternoons for students to come play. The focus is on fun, growth, and connection. Bring a friend and meet new ones! Coming soon..

Upcoming Classes:

Performance Labs

Students will work with a coach who provides ongoing training that includes performance techniques and genre-specific instruction.  At the end of this training, students will rehearse and perform shows designed and directed by their coach. The traditional performance labs are currently offered online and in-person. We also offer private group labs. If you don't see a performance lab at a convenient time, or if you want to work with a group you are already improvising with ....  The private group labs give advanced improvisers more autonomy in their experience. For the private groups, improvisers will start by gathering their own group of players and choosing one of BATS’ fantastic coaches. The group will work with the coach to determine what sort of instruction they want— a specific genre or skill, ongoing workshop or weekend intensive. It’s up to you! You work with BATS to decide the times and dates. Your group may even decide to perform and will work with the coach to plan and rehearse for your show(s). LINK TO APPLICATION FORM

Upcoming Classes:


Specialty classes give you more opportunities to play and have fun while deepening your improv knowledge.

Upcoming Classes:

Learn @ Work

Learn @ Work  is our Applied Improv offering for individuals.

Upcoming Classes:

We don't have any Learn @ Work classes currently scheduled, check back soon or email the Head of School if you are interested in taking this class.

Summer Sessions

Note: Our Summer Sessions often sell out, so we strongly encourage you to register early

Upcoming Classes:

We don't have any Summer Sessions classes currently scheduled, check back soon or email the Head of School if you are interested in taking this class.

Kids, Youth & Teen Classes

Classes for the under-18s!


Upcoming Classes:

We don't have any Kids classes currently scheduled, check back soon or email the Head of School if you are interested in taking this class.


Upcoming Classes:


Upcoming Classes:

We don't have any Teen classes currently scheduled, check back soon or email the Head of School if you are interested in taking this class.

Youth Summer

Youth summer classes

Upcoming Classes:

We don't have any Youth Summer classes currently scheduled, check back soon or email the Head of School if you are interested in taking this class.