Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

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Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

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Oral Storytelling – Mats Eldøen (16-11-2434)

Improvised Oral Storytelling
Tuesday, 7:00 – 10:00 PM

November 29, 2016
Bayfront Theater, San Francisco 

Schedule: 1 session 
Class date: November 29
Class size: 12 students maximum
Class length: 3 hours 
Tuition: $45
Prerequisite: Foundation 2 and above

Through several projects Nils Petter has investigated the art of oral storytelling as a tool for improvised scene work. It can be a fun way to expand the story and deepen the characters in a story – or just to learn ways to simply tell an improvised story. We’ll look for fun and inspiring ways to tap into the imagination and hidden resources in our brain. 
Everybody should bring an object each from home. Shouldn’t be fragile, but still something you treasure for any reason.
Nils Petter Mørland is a founding member of Det Andre Teatret and also from the beginning until recently the Artistic Director. He writes, directs and acts. 


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