Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

Read more about Improv »
Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

Read more about Improv »

Summer 2016 – F2 Intensive with Kasey and Zoe – (#S16-08-2334)

3-Day Foundation 2 Intensive

August 12  – August 14, 2016
Bayfront Theater, San Francisco

Schedule: 3 hours on Friday night and 6 hours on Saturday and Sunday (with a 1-hour lunch break both days)
Class Time/Dates: 7-10pm on Friday, August 12
10am-5pm (with a 1-hour lunch break) Saturday and Sunday August 13 and 14
Class size: 14 students maximum 
Class length: 15 hours total of instruction
Prerequisite: Foundation 1 or equivalent. Please contact Regina Saisi, Dean, with any questions about prerequisites or your eligibility at or 415-474-6776.

Foundation 2 focuses on refining your improv knowledge and skill set, reinforcing the concepts you learned in Foundation 1 through games, play, and exercises.

This course covers all of the content of the 6-week Foundation 2 class over three days.

While the emphasis is still on fun, course content also explores more conceptual and technical information and helps you build the skills you need to perform in front of an audience.

Students in Foundation 2 are required to read one of the definitive texts on improv: IMPRO by Keith Johnstone. Johnstone invented Theatresports, one of the core improv formats we play at BATS. BATS sells the book for $25; it is also available from a variety of retail outlets. When enrolling, please indicate whether or not you would like to purchase the book from BATS. If so, you can pay for it at time of registration and pick up their book on your first day of class.

At the conclusion, everyone “passes” and can move on to Foundation 3, but you can also take Foundation 2 as many times as you would like.

**Register before June 1st to take advantage of our early registration rate of $269. After June 1st class price increases to $299.**

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