Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

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Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

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Summer 2016 – Cine Long Form S16-08-22285

45-Minute Cinematic Long Form

Bayfront Theater, San Francisco

Schedule: 10am-5pm (with a 1-hour lunch break from 1-2pm) daily,
Tuesday through Saturday, August 16-20
Performances: Three 45-minute performances on Sunday, August 21, 3-6pm
Class size: 12 students maximum
Class hours: 6 hours of instruction daily for 5 days for a total of 30 hours 
Prerequisite:  Prior improv training and performance experience required. Please contact Regina Saisi, Dean, with any questions about prerequisites or your eligibility at or 415-474-6776.

Learn and experience single story long form improv at its purest and most exciting! Four players get a title from the audience and collaboratively create a “movie” utilizing filmic techniques to progress the narrative. There is no predetermined genre and no mid-show break to catch your breath. This five day intensive training will focus on the skills necessary to be prepared for the final day’s performances, including: acting, character, ensemble and narrative.


**Register before June 1st to take advantage of our early registration rate of $579. After June 1st class price increases to $599.**




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