Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

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Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

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Specialty: Realismo Mágico en Impro con Felipe Ortiz (in Spanish) (#21-04-3356)

Realismo Mágico en Impro con Felipe Ortiz (in Spanish) (in Spanish)

Sabado, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Fecha y Hora de Clases: 4 sesiones, Sábados de 10:00 am a 12:00pm PST – 3, 10, 17 y 24 de Abril, 2021

Capacidad: máximo de 12 estudiantes

Duración: 2 horas (8 horas en todo)

Prerequisitos: Foundation ? o más alto, must speak Spanish near native proficiency

**Esta clase requiere la aprobación del director de la escuela. Envíe un correo electrónico a con una lista concisa de su experiencia de improvisación para determinar la elegibilidad.**

Precio: $160


Un viaje a través de este complejo universo que nos permitirá improvisar historias que cuenten con los elementos esenciales del género.


  • Que es el Realismo Mágico
  • Características
  • Tiempo y espacio
  • El relato personal
  • Personajes
  • Estructuras narrativas
  • Historia y política

En este taller exploraremos diferentes herramientas narrativas que nos permitirán navegar en este género maravilloso. Investigaremos que es y como se relaciona directamente con nuestras vidas y nuestra cultura y como podemos imprimir este sello a la improvisación que conocemos. Descubriremos diferentes formas de crear historias espontaneas desde el realismo mágico y como podemos encontrar y plasmar nuestro propio estilo a la hora de improvisar.

Nota: Los aspectos sociopolíticos no son parte de este taller..

Felipe Ortiz: Artista escénico, co-fundador y co-director de La Gata Cirko y de Picnic Impro, con amplia trayectoria como interprete, creador y director en las áreas de Nuevo Circo, Clown e Improvisación teatral, interesado en crear intercambios e interactuar con diferentes tipos de artistas alrededor del mundo. Está en una constante investigación sombre el cuerpo y sus posibilidades. Durante toda su carrera ha profundizado su entrenamiento con maestros y maestras de movimiento, acrobacia, improvisación teatral como : Keith Johnstone, Shawn Kinley, Patti Styles y Randy Dixon, entre otros. Es profesor el la U. Javeriana en la facultad de artes escénicas dictando técnica básica de circo, improvisación y clown. A sido director de los ensambles de Circo, improvisación y clown.



Prerequisite: Foundation 1 or higher; must speak Spanish near native proficiency * *This class requires Head of School Approval. Email with a concise list of your improv experience to determine eligibility

Class Description:

Magical Realism is a genre where extraordinary, unreal and strange things appear as part of the daily life as if it was completely normal. This workshop is a journey through the complex world of magical realism exploring different tools that can help you dive into this amazing and powerful universe. From its origins till the present, we will explore the basic characteristics and elements that are part of this world like: time, space, characters and the wonderful nostalgic atmosphere. What is magical realism in our cultures? How can I improvise in this genre? What are the most important examples of magical realism in different art expressions? The answers of this questions are some of the things we will discover.

Note: The political and social aspects of the genre are going to be mentioned but they are part of the second level of the workshop

About Felipe:

Felipe Ortiz is a performer, director, and teacher interested in exchanging, interacting, playing, and sharing experiences with different artists worldwide. He´’s passionate about the body in movement and its possibilities; and explores it through acrobatics, improvisation, clowning, physical theater, and object manipulation to create new expression forms in performing arts. Since 2003, he’s been touring the world with different projects in festivals, companies, and artist collaborations. He is well-known in the international scene as an improv, physical theater and clown teacher. Magical Realism became one of his research fields in 2012, and he´’s created different improv formats, workshops, and circus shows inspired by this beautiful genre. He´’s currently working as a clown, acrobatics, and improv teacher at the Javeriana University in Bogota. He has been the artistic director of La Gata Cirko (new circus) for 18 years. He has directed different shows like the World Games opening ceremony in Cali and the closing ceremony of the Football FIFA World Cup in Bogota.

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