Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

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Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

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Performance – Performing Improvised Movies with Ben Johnson (#08-1989)

Performing Improvised Movies

Tuesdays, 7:00 – 10:00 pm

August 12 – September 16, 2014
Bayfront Theater, San Francisco

Schedule: 6 sessions (once a week for 6 weeks), 2 performances
Class Time/Dates: 7-10pm on Tuesdays August 12, 19, 26, September 2, 19, and 16
Performances: Two performances: Sunday, September 7 and Sunday, September 21
Class size: 12 students maximum 
Class length: 
3 hours (18 hours total of instruction)
Prerequisite: Studio Scene Work and above with prior long form performance workshop or experience

In this class you’ll practice using an audience-generated title as inspiration for the creation of an improvised movie. Dive into your big, beautiful imagination and play any character, travel to any location, and transition artfully from scene to scene!

The course will be focused on preparing for two performances (September 7 and 21). For each performance the twelve students will divide into two casts, and each cast will perform a 45 minute story for an invited audience. 

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