Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

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Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

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Performance – Performance Workshop 1 with Laura Derry (#16-09-2391)

Performance Workshop 1
Tuesdays, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM

September 6 – October 25, 2016
Bayfront Theater, San Francisco

Schedule: 8 sessions (once a week for 8 weeks), 2 performances
Class Time/Dates: 7-10pm on Tuesdays September 6, 13, 20, 27, October 4, 11, 18, and 25. 
Performances: 2 performances, one open class workshop and one performance on the Bayfront Theater stage, dates and times TBD.
Class size: 10 students maximum 
Class length: 
3 hours (24 hours total of instruction)
Prerequisite: Studio Scene Work

This 8-week workshop prepares you for your first performance in front of an audience by breaking down and covering these different core elements of performance:

  • Stage skills
  • Shape of show
  • Games (setting up, introducing, and playing)
  • Scenes (setting up, starting, and ending)
  • Audience interaction
  • Ensemble-building

You’ll learn new games and explore the balance between games and scenes for a well-crafted show.  The Workshop includes two performances: one is an open workshop for friends and guests and the second is a full show with a paid audience.

Note: We will be posting the show date and cast list on our website. If you prefer not to be listed, please let us know.

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