Online: Improvised Shakespeare with Brian Lohmann
Class Date/Time: Thursdays 6:00-8:00pm // August 22, 29
Sessions: 2 sessions
Class size: 12 students maximum
Tuition: $78
Prerequisite: Foundation 4 or equivalent. Email for the code and other eligibility questions.
What? Woulds’t thou seek to speak as though the Bard had cozened thine own tongue? Then get thee to a funnery. Two days thou wilt be party to the ins and outs of improvising Shakespeare; and like unto a party thou wilt giggle, nay guffaw, nay strain thy spleen while understanding what the heck makes Shakespeare playable, sayable, relevant today-able.
To wit we shall: Share our methods for exploring Shakespeare, then employ those methods to the fly-by-the seat of your pants nature of Elizabethan theater. (His actors had to improvise!)
When the hubbub’s done: You will be able to get on stage and speak the speech as it doth announce itself to you – spontaneously – with poetry and power. You will play big characters: clowns, rogues, braggarts, queens, witches, heroes and villains. There will be chases and physical comedy, space object sword fights and maybe a dance around a fairy ring, or two.
Art thou a tremble at the notion? Trust that after a few “thees” and “thous,” Shakespeare can be fun to improvise. So, why not “screw your courage to the sticking place” and give it a go. All the world’s a stage. Jump on!