Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

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Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

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I – Jumping In With Both Feet with Tim (#17-03-2488)

Jumping In With Both Feet
Wednesdays, 7:00 – 10:00 PM

Wednesday, March 8 – 29
Bayfront Theater, San Francisco

Schedule: Four Wednesdays March 8, 15, 22, and 29
Class length: 3 hours, for a total of 12 hours
Class size: 12 students maximum
Tuition: $180
Prerequisite: Foundation 3 and above

How do we start scenes with confidence, variety, vitality and clarity ?  How do we start in the beginning, the middle, the end of something?  How do we make the most of the initial “Big Bang” of scenes?

In this class, we’ll work on “hitting the stage” with energy and commitment and the elements that help us do that:  Volume, Clarity, Specificity, Implied History, Emotions, Agreement.





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