Shortform: (usually on Fridays)
fun and fast-paced improvised theatre, filled with scenes, songs, games, and lots of audience participation and suggestions.

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Longform: (usually on Saturdays)
full-length, narrative, genre-driven, completely improvised stories based on audience suggestions.

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I – Diving Deeper with Lisa Rowland at 204 (#16-02-2284)

Diving Deeper
Tuesday, 7:00 – 10:00 PM

February 16, 2016
Studio 204, San Francisco (the Mission)

Schedule: One session
Class date: February 16
Class length: 3 hours
Tuition: $45
Prerequisite: Foundation 3 and above

There is nothing more painful than being in or watching a scene where improvisers scramble around grasping for the next offer that will make the scene pay off. In that scramble, offers are dropped, relationships are sold short, and we’re left without much to play with.  So instead of moving fast through a scene, what if we sink in deep to the current moment let the scene come to us? This class will explore ways of feeling the moment more deeply with all five senses.  Taking it slow in order to connect with your partner, connect with the moment, and let the scene come to you, rather than having to run out looking for it. 

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