Playing Physical Characters
Saturdays, 2:30 PM – 5:30 PM
January 6 and 13, 2018
Bayfront Theater, San Francisco
Schedule: 2 sessions
Class dates: January 6 and 13
Class length: 3 hours (6 hours total)
Class size: 12 students maximum
Tuition: $90
Prerequisite: Foundation 2 and above
Do you find yourself getting stuck as a talking head in scenes? This class is for you! Do you often make endowments that are full of descriptive words but somehow don’t actually permeate, integrate, and become part of how your body shows up as a character? This class is for you! Have teachers told you (or you’ve told yourself) to get out of your head and you don’t know where to go to instead?
Making strong physical choices and getting playful, specific, and committed with your body and your physicality can open up expansive ways of playing and inhabiting different characters. In this workshop we’ll play with and explore being as embodied as possible as players to see what new, different, and interesting elements we can bring into improv scenes and games as characters.
Get out of your head and get into your body! This class will be pretty physical (wear clothes you can move in), plenty playful, full of risk-taking, compassion, curiosity, and discovery. Come ready to move and be moved.